Over April, we ran some structured work experience opportunities for students keen to learn more about user research for UK public sector digital services.
We were delighted to welcome Zel, Megha and Lilymae; who are all currently completing their master’s degrees in User Experience Design at Loughborough University.
During their time with us, they engaged in live research activities, attended a range of client-facing work and were able to immerse themselves into Lagom’s world of user research and digital strategy.
We asked them to each write a short blog to reflect on their one-week work experiences. If you’re interested to know their thoughts, I’ve signposted links to their posts below. They are all great reads!
My experience of working at Lagom Strategy
The value of work experience for the inexperienced
Zel, Megha and Lilymae – we really enjoyed your time with us and hope that you found it interesting and valuable. Best of luck for the rest of your degrees and with whatever you choose to pursue next for your UX careers! (Obviously being a user researcher, yeah?)