Discovery, user research, and service design for digital services

Understand your users to make smart, user-centred decisions about your prospective and existing digital services.

What we do

We help teams successfully meet their users’ needs and organisation goals. We always start with research, based on our user research standards, and our service design shapes new and improved digital services.

We collaborate and build partnerships with teams (and their users) who are responsible for delivering digital services and websites.

Who we work with

We have lots of experience working with the UK public sector, charities, third sector, education, health, and social care.

We’ve successfully delivered 40+ discoveries for prospective and existing digital services.

“We’ve found Lagom’s discovery really excellent and we’re making good use of the work … it was money well spent.”

Health Education England

Case Studies

User research about a prospective intranet for the RAF Air Cadets

The RAF Air Cadets offer a range of activities, training and education to young people as part of their personal…

Discovery about quality management of learning and training for NHS England

NHS England is responsible for the continuous improvement in the quality of education and training provided for healthcare workers. This…


Stephen Hale 25/06/2024

The discovery would have been better if we’d been more prepared

At the end of a discovery phase, our clients almost…

Helen Taylor 10/05/2024

Why you should involve clients in research planning from day one (if you can)

We put a lot of effort into research planning. But…

John Gribbin 22/03/2024

The importance of defining problems

We recently had to think very hard about how to…

Get in Touch

We’re always happy to have a chat about your plans, or potential projects.

You can also find us on the Digital Marketplace Outcomes and Specialists framework and G-Cloud.