Our Services

Our proven methods will help you to make smart, user-centred decisions about your digital service or product.

Rapid, user-centred decision making (Lean discovery)

Our rapid, user-centred research discovery package shows you how to progress your new or existing digital service in just weeks. 

  • Just enough user research to ensure you can take truly user-centred decisions
  • Rapid review of stakeholder, business, and policy needs
  • A prioritised Agile backlog of user needs
  • Actionable recommendations on user experience, technology, content, data, governance
  • A practical roadmap to progress

Develop and test ideas for your service

Quickly develop ideas and concepts for your service, and get feedback from users to help decide what to do next.

  • Service journey maps to understand and map pain points and opportunities
  • Co-designed solutions to meet priority user needs
  • Simple but realistic concept prototypes to test ideas with users
  • Blueprints and target operating models for a new or improved service

Research to understand how your users behave

Quickly get the robust research evidence and actionable findings about your users’ problems and needs.

  • ResearchOps, recruitment, and end to end participant management
  • User interviews, obser-views and usability tests
  • Ethnographic methods (including field visits, observations, diary studies)
  • Surveys and statistical analysis
  • Actionable findings and evidence

Service lifecycle phases against Service Standards

Thorough Discovery and Alpha phases, designed to align with Government and NHS Service Standards.

  • User research to thoroughly understand how users behave
  • Investigations and experiments to develop ideas, and test assumptions and hypotheses
  • Landscape and technology options reviews and recommendations

Coaching and support

Practical help from our experienced user research, service design and agile delivery specialists.

  • Help define and articulate the problem to be solved
  • Research operations planning and critique
  • Resource and team planning (including the multidisciplinary roles needed)
  • Navigating standards and assurance, and service assessments
  • Understand the prospective service lifecycle roadmap

“Working with Lagom Strategy has been an incredible experience, it felt like a genuine collaboration.”

Widening Access and Participation Team, NHS England

How to work with us

We’re on the Digital Marketplace Outcomes and Specialists and G-Cloud 13 frameworks offering our discovery, service design and user research services.

With 10 years of discoveries, user research, and service design behind us, we’ve probably seen a version of your problem before.

Get in Touch

We’re always happy to have a chat about your plans, or potential projects.

You can also find us on the Digital Marketplace Outcomes and Specialists framework and G-Cloud.