Case Studies

Discovery on the Government Major Projects Portfolio reporting return for the Infrastructure and Projects Authority

We were appointed by the Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) to conduct discovery research to help them understand the experiences of users as they complete Government Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP) reporting through an online tool.

GMPP data is critical to allow the Government to analyse and report on the progress of major projects across the country. Departments are required to provide this project data on a quarterly basis. 

Our discovery included user interviews and workshops, an analysis of stakeholder perspectives, and a review of technology and data options led by our partners at MadeTech.  

Concurrently to our discovery, the IPA team were conducting work to update the data required by programme teams as they reported on specific projects. This represented an interesting challenge, as it was out of scope for our research, however participants were keen to express their views on how this work should be carried out. 

We discovered that outside of the GMPP online system, departments were following different processes to collect and report on project data. For example, many teams were collecting this data outside of the system before manually inputting the data into the system at a later date. 

The project concluded with a set of recommendations to help the IPA team progress their service. The team is using these recommendations to prepare for an Alpha phase of work. 

“Lagom gathered insight about IPA’s GMPP diverse users using varied techniques – workshops, 1-2-1 interviews, surveys -, which allowed for issues, blockers, and opportunities to surface. They communicated these findings to IPA by paying particular attention to the wide range of audiences that needed to be kept abreast, and they provided valuable recommendations for the continuation of this piece of work beyond the horizon of the discovery exercise. Overall, IPA has been very satisfied with the quality of the work provided by Lagom, and with their willingness to engage beyond the simple scope of the initial problem statement.”

Brice Dassy, Head of Analysis for Infrastructure and Projects Authority.

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