Case Studies

Discovery and build of the Barnardo’s child sexual abuse centre website

In partnership with Binary Vision we were asked by Barnardo’s to run a GDS-aligned user research Discovery and build of a website for their newly funded Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse (CSA Centre). 

The Centre was newly established and there wasn’t an existing online presence so the first activity with the team was to establish who their target users were. 

We then engaged with a range of roles within education, social care and healthcare, across local, regional and national programmes. We conducted 1-1 user interviews, workshops and surveys during the discovery phase.  

Our research identified a set of user needs, and we helped staff at the Centre prioritise which of these needs should be met by a website, and which could be met elsewhere. 

Binary Vision then led the user-centred development and build of the Centre’s MVP website. We ran feedback sessions throughout the build phase to gather feedback on both the website, and the content produced by the Centre. 

The resulting CSA Centre website is now a important channel, supporting work to reduce the impact of child sexual abuse. 

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