Discovery on the Department for Transport THINK! Campaign road safety websites
The THINK! Campaign marketing team asked us to run a fast-paced, 6-week, GDS-aligned Discovery on their 5 THINK! Campaign websites.
The team were keen to work quickly so that potential improvements could be made in time for the Road Safety Week, during which they expected significant traffic to their websites.
We engaged with the target user roles (teachers, road safety professionals, parents and young people) in 1-2-1 user interviews, workshops, usability feedback sessions, and surveys. For those under the age of 18 we gained the necessary parental consent.
We also ran a number of other discovery activities including a technology review, a content audit and a user experience review.
Our discovery activities led to recommendations around technology choice, reorganisation of the road safety education resources, the introduction of content models and improved content structure, and information architecture.
Within days of delivering the discovery recommendations, the team were able to publish an Alpha/Beta redevelopment procurement to deliver many of our recommendations. Lagom was invited back to run further feedback sessions with users during Alpha/Beta phase to steer iterations and help the team make user-centered decisions.
“I think this discovery has given us a great leg up! I had quite a bit of feedback about how good the presentation was and how impressed everyone was. At times – I needed to pinch myself because you almost made it too easy! Being in such a great position with the discovery work has enabled us to incorporate Lagom’s recommendations into the site quickly. So thanks again!”
Claire Farman, Senior Marketing Manager, Department for Transport