
Balanced, Enough and Just Right: A Lagom Mentorship

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A blog by Juliet Kearsey.

When cruising across job boards, all graduates dread coming across the E word [experience]. Often it seems many companies are closed off to passionate but inexperienced workers. This is not the case at Lagom. 

When I joined Lagom for a 3-week mentorship, it was immediately apparent that every member of the team had a genuine interest in sharing their experience and knowledge with me. I was able to talk to and work with every member of the team across my time with Lagom, which gave me an invaluable and in-depth understanding of the industry and what it takes to bring a project together. 

Having no previous experience in industry I was unsure what to expect as I opened up my laptop on day one. But after a morning meeting with Charlotte, I instantly felt at ease. Because of Lagom’s clear passion for providing opportunities for students, I had a clear plan of work already set up for me with a mix of previous and live work. 

In week one I was provided with resources to help me build a baseline understanding of GDS and the Lagom process. With a reputation for being an avid question-asker, I was able to meet with members of the team and pick their brains on their specialism. This sparked some really interesting conversations and allowed me to really step into the shoes of each role.

Week two brought new opportunities when I was able to observe user interviews, client presentations and all the behind the scenes work that goes into these. I was struck by the skill shown by the team in their delicacy of wording and ability to advocate for users without alienating clients. 

Before I knew it I was into my final week with Lagom. I was able to expand on my work on live projects when I conducted a user interview and got stuck in with writing these up. With Adam leading the user research on the project, he provided me with continuous support and feedback which really helped me to keep improving day on day. 

Coming to the end of my time with Lagom, I feel so sad to leave. I really feel like I have been welcomed by every single person as an equal member of the team. When I look back to the day one, I can see how much I have learnt in such a short period of time. I would like to genuinely thank the whole Lagom team for giving up their time, energy, and knowledge to give me such great experience. 

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